Research and development
Research and Development are at the heart of BeonD. As an innovative SME, BeonD invests an important part of the annual revenue in this area.
Each staff member has a highly qualified academic background and some of them still cooperate with Universities research projects, either private or supported with regional, national, or European funds.
Thanks to the strong cooperation with the most important italian and european Universities and Research centres we can always be at the forefront in the research and development area, making progress in the innovation of science with our processes and methods, intellectual properties and patents, applied research and his industrial applications.

Our partners in the
Research and development
Politecnico di Torino
Our partners in the Research and development
Politecnico di Torino
Competence Center CIM 4.0 di Torino
Consorzio Proplast di Alessandria
Centre Technique Industriel de la Plasturgie et des Composites di Lione
New Battery Chemistry
New Battery Chemistry
Those who dominate technology, will dominate the market: Thanks to the synergy with Politecnico di Torino, and the activities related to European programs projects such us Horizon 2030, IPCEI, BeonD sustains the evolution of technologies of the cells chemistry and it has a privileged access to experimentation.
Predictive BMS
We designed, created a highly innovative Battery Management System (BMS) characterized by an active/ predictive control. BeonD BMS is able to communicate remotely and in real time with an external software for the immediate control of performances and terms of use of the next generation battery packs.
Predictive BMS
We designed, created a highly innovative Battery Management System (BMS) characterized by an active/ predictive control. BeonD BMS is able to communicate remotely and in real time with an external software for the immediate control of performances and terms of use of the next generation battery packs.

Active Aerodynamics
Piezoelectric sensors technology can be applied with great results even in the field of Active Aerodynamics. These sensors are used to boost the aerodynamics performances of the vehicle, with regard to the performances as well as the energetic efficiency and consumptions.
Active Aerodynamics
Piezoelectric sensors technology can be applied with great results even in the field of Active Aerodynamics. These sensors are used to boost the aerodynamics performances of the vehicle, with regard to the performances as well as the energetic efficiency and consumptions.

Composite Material
Advanced Analysis
One of the biggest strengths of BeonD is design and structural analysis in the context of composite materials. We carry out continuous research, through advanced methods and models predictive indeed, and less exposed to experimental correlation.
Thanks to the new discoveries, it will be possible to make accurate predictions alongside the variation of the manufacturing process, the materials adopted, the load condition and the failure criteria.
Composite Material
Advanced Analysis
One of the biggest strengths of BeonD is design and structural analysis in the context of composite materials. We carry out continuous research, through advanced methods and models predictive indeed, and less exposed to experimental correlation.
Thanks to the new discoveries, it will be possible to make accurate predictions alongside the variation of the manufacturing process, the materials adopted, the load condition and the failure criteria.